Get tips on how to handle employee investigations, recent federal and state legislative updates, and top questions answered by our HR experts.
Employee Investigations FAQs

More employers than ever are seeking advice on the right steps to take to investigate an incident. See what employers' burning questions are about employee investigations and learn how you can reduce your risk.


Final Expiration Date: FMLA Update

Based on requirements for the Paperwork Reduction Act, the U.S. Department of Labor must send Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) forms to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) every 3 years for an audit. They finished their review. The updated forms will expire on August 31, 2021.

The expiration date is listed on the top right hand corner of these forms. Check to ensure your expiration date ends on 2021. 


Upcoming Webinar

What Do You Need to Know About Firing an Employee?
Terminating an employee is never easy, but it’s something every employer faces. We’ll discuss the proper steps to take, including documentation.

Thursday, Sept. 20, 11:00 a.m. MT

Regulatory Updates

This issue covers employment legislative updates for September. Federal updates include new DOL opinion letters on FMLA & FLSA, and listening sessions regarding the overtime rule. State updates in: MD, MA, NJ, NY, and TX.

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Ask the HR Expert

Q: An exempt, salaried employee missed multiple days of work for personal reasons. Can we deduct these missed days of wages from their salary or do we pay the employee for the days they did not work?

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Labor Poster Updates

You can always access the most up-to-date employment documents in HRDrive > Toolkit > Documents! 


Post this notice in a place seen by all employees by October 1, 2018. 
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